Once again the Adventurer Appreciation Campaign has returned to Vana'diel! And with it, the
Anniversary Ring. This year SE has included two new treats, the
Dinner Suit and
Moggiebag items.
http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/Adventurer_Appreciation_Campaign_2010http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/Adventurer_Appreciation_Campaign_2010/Guide Important Note: Due to restrictions at Heaven's Tower it may be impossible for non-Windurstian residents to obtain the
Moggiebag. One of the letter bearers,
Zubaba, is behind the doorway that requires the
Starway Stairway Bauble, an item obtained after a certain rank. Non-Windurstians cannot obtain this item. Currently SE is looking into this. For now, only solution is to join Windurst, achieve Rank 3, and you will gain access to the upper floors of the tower. Personally it's not advised as it costs gil to change nations. Also,
Tavnazian and Kazham access is required to obtain the rest of the letters so make sure you have these before you go out to try for it.
To obtain the Dinner Suit just follow the instructions in the guide, these pieces can be obtained by
anyone regardless of level/nation ranking.
EDIT: SE has a fix, for non-Windurstians you can purchase a Rolanberry and trade this to Kupipi at the front desk in the tower for Zubaba's letter.