Just like in real life ancient cultures the world of Vana d'iel has a creation myth and the various cultures have developed myths surrounding the origins of their people's. Heroes of the past are elevated to almost mysthic and incorruptible status. These myths have been taught as factual history.
Square Enix, when they started out the game, had such myths and posted these as the official histories of the world we inhabit and races in FFXI. Later, as expansions have been released, we've learned the truth behind these stories.
What Every Vana' dielian Should KnowEvery young Vana d'ilien would most likely know the creation myth and the story as presented in the "Ages of Vana' diel" section. This is the official history and spoiler free.
In this history, all 5 races, consider themselves "Children of Altana" in some way but have different systems of worship. They consider all beastmen "Children of Promathia" and inheritantly their enemies. Any character professing sympathy toward beastmen is viewed skeptically. For instance, Windurst's position of peace toward's yagudo is viewed cowardly by both Bastokian and San d'Orians.
As far as the 5 races are concerned no civilizations besides theirs have existed before though ancient unexplained ruins are everywhere in the world. Tarutaru alone seem to have interest in these areas but officailly never release their findings and keep the ruins in their areas of control guarded and locked up.
Besides the general history explained above it also would be natural for your character to know thier nation's basic history. (Provided in another post)
An Ever Expanding StoryWith the AF quests, Nation Missions, and expansion missions a true behind-the-scenes history has slowly been revealed. This ICLY should be viewed as secret knowledge and not talked about extensively to avoid revealing spoilers to fellow rpers that don't want them. (The following section gives tips on avoiding that.) Some, though like myself, do like to know such things. If you don't want to have a spoiler don't read the box below.
- Spoiler:
The truth is that two races were actually the original inhabitants of Vana' diel and both the "Children of Altana" and the "Children of Promethia" share a common origin.
The original race was the Zilart and the Kuluu were spawned from the Zilart. For further information on the storyline and these races read the following.
Rise of Zilart Storyline
Chains of Promathia Storyline
Storms of Fate Quest
Shadows of the Departed Quest
Apocalypse Nigh Quest
Spoiler Issues and Tips for your RPPerhaps your character is a historian with access to secret archives and possesess this secret and guarded knowledge of Vana' diel's true past. If that is the case naturally it might come up in RP. Just becasue a character ICly asks about something about what you know doen't mean the player wants every spoiler in the book.
Also, as mentioned before, both in the game and as a practical matter not everyone knows this information ICly. Most believe the myths taught as history so you wouldn't run around acting as if everything revealed in missions was common knowledge.
FOR THIS REASON IT IS COMMON COURTESY TO SEND A TELL TO WHO YOU ARE RPING AND ASK THEM HOW MUCH THEY KNOW ABOUT THE MISSIONS AND IF THEY WANT SPOILERS.If you are writing a story in which you are touching on some of this knowledge keep it vague or mark the section with that information as a spoiler.
LinksHistory of Vana'dielThis is a great post to read to understand what happened in the myth vs the factual history of Vana'diel. It does contain some spoilers to the Zilart and COP Storylines but nothing incredibly detailed.