Well I've been reading up on Augmented items and I think I'd like to try and see what I get plus some gil and exp. I thought this might make a fun event which could even be RPed.
The gist is that you do an Elite Training Regimine and trade to get one of the following rewards:
Beastmen's Seals
75 Experience Points for each seal traded.
Twice the amount of gil traded.
Augments for the piece of equipment traded.
http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/Augmented_ItemsThe trick is to do this you need a certain number of tabs so we'd have to get a group together to exp and get tabs probably leading up to this.
More details on the regimines are here. I was thinking to do a level 50 or 60 one. If others wanted to do another level though I'd do that too.
Here's more info: